Driving forward a sustainable approach, protecting the environment, reusing and recycling waste, remains at the heart of the Dietzel Univolt business.
The company, whose headquarters remain in Vienna, Austria, one of the worlds only carbon neutral cities, is committed to operating a business based upon sustainable principles, in line with the wider vision of its homeland.
A commitment to delivering a sustainable approach, protecting the environment, reusing and recycling waste, remains at the heart of the wider business. Univolt, whose headquarters are in Vienna, Austria, one of the world’s only carbon neutral cities, runs a company-wide program to reduce the consumption of energy and the use of water in order to preserve natural resources and where possible the firm uses harvested rainwater in the manufacturing processes.
Univolt is also part of the UN Global Compact initiative, a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders committed to behaving responsibly by aligning their strategies and operations with Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
David Mattin, Managing Director of Ditezel Univolt in the UK explained: “Taking and building further upon our sustainable values and principles is integral to the business. The Austrians are years ahead of most European countries in terms of a carbon neutral approach and this permeates across all industries, none more so than manufacturing.
“Our LSF0H conduits have undergone rigorous investment and testing in order to produce the ultimate chlorine free, halogen-free, flame retardant, temperature resistant and 100 % recyclable product. These conduits are able to tick every box in terms of sustainability.”